css : object

Useful namespace for helping with CSS utility functions

Kind: global namespace

css.domToThree(val) ⇒ number

Converts the dom string to a 3D numerical value

Kind: static method of css
Returns: number - - the 3D numerical represenation of the dom css value

Param Type Description
val string the dom css information includes items of the form XXXpx, XXX%, etc

css.threeToPx(val) ⇒ number

Converts 3D world positions to display positions based on global viewPort information. Useful as part of the layout system and css value handling (px<–>threejs).

Kind: static method of css
Returns: number - - the 2D pixel space representation of value.

Param Type Description
val number the 3D value to be converted to 2D pixel space

css.pxToThree(val) ⇒ number

Converts display positions to 3D world positions to based on global viewPort information. Useful as part of the layout system and css value handling (px<–>threejs).

Kind: static method of css
Returns: number - - the 3D representation of value.

Param Type Description
val number the 2D pixel space value to be converted to 3D space.